Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy New Year!

Since I live in Korea, I'm allowed to use the Chinese New Year system. It is now the year of the Black Dragon! Supposedly, that means a lot of good luck for everyone this year. He only comes along every sixty years.

This year may be the last one on earth, so I'm gonna try to be a little  a lot more consistent with my blog. In an ever not so original blog, I'm going to post my ten goals for the New Year:

1) Write a blog entry at least once a week. I want to be able to remember what I've been doing in Korea! However, I know I'm lazy, so in order to facilitate this process, I'm going to use my smart phone to do on the spot blogs. Hurray!
2) Try at least twenty new cuisines. BH and I try to go to a new restaurant once a week, but that often fails because of other things coming up. Plus, Korean food is so delicious. However, Seoul has so many great international restaurants, that we really need to explore what there is to offer.
3) Get into an advanced Korean class. I am currently in an intermediate Korean language class, but I really want to be at a higher level. I have a test this coming Wednesday, so wish me luck!
4) Keep in touch with my family and friends back home more often. It isn't that hard to call my family or friends, nor is it expensive, so I might as well be calling someone everyday! Then again, they could be calling me...
5) Watch more Korean dramas. I've been stuck in a rut watching American television programs, but I really should be watching Korean dramas. I have Life is Beautiful on my computer, and still haven't finished the Coffee Shop Prince. I also should just turn on my television in the evening and practice my listening skills with Korean TV shows
6) Take a Korean cooking class. BH is an amazing chef, but I need to be able to cook some Korean food myself. I have one dish that I make really well, tuna fried rice, but I need to expand my repertoire. Seoul offers a bunch of cooking classes that I'm looking into...
7) Study my vocab! I have to take the GRE soon to apply for graduate school in the fall of 2013, so I really need to study vocabulary everyday. Living in Korea I forget some English words just because I dumb down my English for class. I can't let this happen!
8) Learn more ASL. I get lazy sometime with my studies, but I need to communicate better in sign language to improve my communication with BH. Need to learn more signs!
9) Exercise more. Duh.
10) Travel to at least three new countries. I'm in Asia! I need to see some more countries. I think I'll be heading to Hong Kong in February and then I'll have another week in summer. Hopefully I can take a long weekend to Taiwan or Japan.

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